Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh Suck!

Why can't anything ever be easy? Seriously, why can't things just go according to plan...ever! I'm having shower issues. My downstairs shower is half way done...I'm tiling it, and haven't gotten it all done yet, so it can't be used. My upstairs shower decided to fall apart. Literally. I was leaning back against one of the walls, and I fell into the wall. Oh joy. I knew there was water damage, I had sealed up all the grout along that wall over a year ago, but seriously, I fell into the wall!

So, demo time it was. I pulled off all the tile, pulled off all the green board, got the shower down to the studs and bought a new base and shower walls. I'm not going to tile this one. The first issue I had was that I couldn't get the base out. I called over my brother and after some serious work, he managed to get the rubber gasket out from around the pipe and we were able to lift the base out. That thing was really heavy, much heavier then the one I had just bought. So, a couple of days go buy and I didn't have any time to work on the thing. Today, some time became available and I pulled out the new base, read the directions, brought the thing up to the bathroom, put it down in the spot, and guess what? The drain is off by about an inch. I'm going to have to move the damn inch. Just how much does that suck? One would think that when you bought a base that was 36X36 and it said center drain, the drain would be at 18x18. Right? No, they're not...they're at 18 wide by 16 from the back wall. I looked on line to see if I could find any other bases...and every damn one I looked at was 18X16. WFT. Seriously, the one I removed was at 18X18...and my house isn't all that old, only 20 years. Serious suckage, and lots of swear words were flying. I hate plumbing, and this isn't a spot that's easy to get to. Suck, suck, suck, suck, suck!!!!

Guess I'll be keeping up with the baths and washing my hair in the sink for a while.

Oh suck!