Monday, September 29, 2008

Bad Blogger

So, I guess I'm what you would call a "bad blogger." I don't log in, I never write, never give updates on what is going on in my life. I guess it's a good thing that not a lot of people actually read this thing. It is now the end of September and I haven't written since the begining of May. Summer has come and gone, and I didn't blog about any of it. I guess I could do a recap:

- Had a long talk with a good friend about why I didn't think we could date. I didn't have any good answers.
- Went to Vegas.
- Came to the conclusion that maybe I should just give dating my friend a shot.
- Golfed on a league.
- Started dating this friend (I'll call her A from now on.)
- Bought a wii.
- Got my motorcycle endorsement.
- Told ex I was dating A and the ex went psycho.
- Went camping.
- Went to a few concerts
- Went canoing (twice)
- Went to the MN state fair
- Went to the zoo with my mom and nephew.
- The ex started talking to me again.

Guess that about sums it up.


webchyk said...

you're not a bad blogger -- you're an infrequent blogger. it's all in the semantics. ;)

webchyk said...

tag -- you're it! check my blog for details.
